This is a documentary about breathwork and kundalini energy. There exists an energy center in all human beings that connects us directly to what many describe as universal consciousness, divine knowledge, or God. This energy center is called Kundalini by the Hindus, yogis and Buddhists. This energy center remains dormant unless activated.
Today, with the widespread practices of yoga, meditation and breathwork, people are unknowingly activating their kundalini energies and experiencing spontaneous awakenings which is what happened to me. If properly cultivated these experiences are contributing to the evolution of consciousness and for the individual, profound transpersonal growth. However, if uncultivated or if improperly integrated, these experiences can turn your world upside down like it almost did mine.
Having a knowledge of this energy and knowing what to do if it is activated in you, is vital to your health and well-being. There are also ways to meticulously cultivate this energy to deepen one’s spiritual connection. This slower, meticulous process is highly advisable whenever possible. This documentary is an introduction to this energy and the follow up interviews are available for anyone interested in deep diving into this powerful energy and other spiritual and philosophical curiosities.